Deepika Padukone has shared the first-ever poster from her upcoming movie 'Singham Again' by sharing her first look as a fierce cop. The Bollywood diva took to Instagram on Sunday and posted two pictures, where she can be seen wearing a police uniform and flaunting her intense avatar. With a gun in her hand, Deepika radiates power and confidence. In her post, she introduced her character as "Shakti Shetty" and captioned it as "Introducing... Shakti Shetty! Singham Again." The post has garnered a lot of attention from fans and industry peers.

In one of the photos, Deepika Padukone is seen gripping a man's hair with one hand while pointing a loaded gun at him with the other. Surrounding them is a scene of chaos, with bodies and car wreckage scattered all over, and a burning building in the backdrop. The second picture captures Deepika with the pistol near her face, emitting laughter as she looks straight  into the camera.