Biopics are intriguing and give us a detailed account of events that one never knew about. We have seen several biopics of forgotten as well as prominent personalities surface in the last few years. The next one in line is model turned dancer Protima Bedi’s. She was the mother of actress Pooja Bedi and first wife of actor Kabir Bedi

When asked about a biopic in the making, Pooja who is known for her witticism said, “Yes.. Balaji (Motion Pictures) has taken the option rights for timepass for my mother's biopic.” About who will essay her role, Pooja said, “The narrative is the most important aspect that should be focused on first.” She further added, “I will be involved in the project right from scripting to end product.”

Protima Bedi was a model who then took up dancing and started the Nrityagram school in Bangalore. She married actor Kabir Bedi in 1969 and they divorced in 1974 after 2 children. Protima took up Odissi dance but soon gave up everything to become a sanyasini after her son (Pooja’s brother Siddharth) committed suicide succumbing to schizophrenia.