Makers of the upcoming Marathi film Khichik, have released an eccentric new song titled ‘Khichik Jhala Pottyale’. The song is sung by Shruti J and Adarsh Shinde. The lyrics of the song are written by Datta Gunjal. The song features actors like Siddharth Jadhav, Prathamesh Parab, Yash Khond, Anil Dhakate, Rasika, Pritam and Shrutika. The film’s name is similar to the sound a camera makes on clicking a picture and thus is based on that subject.


Khichik also will mark the Marathi film debut of Bollywood actor Sudesh Berry. The film is directed by Pritam SK Patil and produced by Kantanand Productions. The film is all set to hit the big screens on September 20th 2019.